Who I am

I was born in 1970 in the USA, second son of Dr. Hans Breuer and Rosemarie Breuer. Our family never really stayed long in any one place, so all three brothers were born in different countries (Klaus: Canada, Flo: Austria). I can't say with certainty which country I'd most like to live in, but South Africa has the best weather and Berlin has the most to offer in daily life. Currently I stay in Germany, working as a freelance software developer. I studied physics in South Africa and Germany, but found programming to be much more rewarding than long months in a lab with too little money to buy the right equipment :)

I love going to the cinema, liking action movies and comedies. I guess you can call me "sporty", I have been doing Karate for about 12 years and do some running as well. Good food, Spanish red wine and a purring cat on my lap are a good start, and a Thin Lizzy record will finish a great day. When I play at the computer, It's gotta be as mindless as possible, else I might mistake it for work (Duke Nukem says Hi!). When my cats allow it, I really like travelling.

Attention family! Sorry, the MyGeneration-page is currently offline.

Links I can recommend

www.TheOnion.com The Onion, a satirical weekly from the USA. Often too damn close to reality for comfort...
2000AD and Judge Dredd, please click on the listed items 2000AD, featuring Judge Dredd (no, not Stallone). Keeps me informed about the future prospects of our planet
Jamiri Jamiri, a cartoonist well known in the german university-scene. Talks to God a lot...
Slashdot SlashDot: News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
Konrad Zuse A page dedicated to Konrad Zuse (the chap who built the first real computer)
www.Landmarkhouse.com Homepage of my family. But there's lots more there, check it out. Want to buy/sell property in SA?
www.StellenboschWriters.com A page devoted to authors to live(d) in Stellenbosch or wrote about it. A good starting point for learning about Afrikaans literary culture.

Last updated: 10.05.2004  
Imprint / Impressum site by binaryblues